Wednesday, July 30, 2008


We're home!  We took the slow method this time, stopping when Kate got really fussy and even visiting a national park along the way.  Once the laundry is done and I've had a real sleep, I'll download photos and post about our adventures.

Right now, it's time for a cup of tea.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Heading back to Texas

Hello?  Anybody out there?  Or have you all stopped bothering to check for new posts?   I would understand if you did.

We're in Toronto tonight and tomorrow we'll head for the border and start the long drive back to Texas.  We're planning to do it over a few days this time.  We're starting with a stop before the border, in Fonthill to visit my mum's grave. I haven't been there to see the headstone, and I'm very compelled to stop.  From there we'll head across the border at Buffalo and stop at the Anchor Bar for chicken wings.  Hopefully we'll make it down to West Virginia before stopping for the day.

Regular posting will resume when we are back to Austin.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alive and in Canada

Sorry for the sudden stoppage in posting.  We had a great time in Telluride and then immediately got in the car and drove straight though (27 hours) to canada.  We're now at the cottage and only have internet connections when we come into the library in town.

We're having a great, relaxing time. Kate is crawling everywhere and is becoming very good at pulling up to stand as well.  She may well be walking by the time we make it home to Austin.

Hope everyone had a great Canada Day!