Monday, June 6, 2011

Gardens and birds

A garden update: Things are bigger in Texas, at least they are in our vegetable gardens. The tomato plants are nearly taller than me and we've picked a few ripe cherry tomatoes. There are a whole bunch that will be ready tomorrow and then we hsould be getting some each day for awhile. I feel like we are missing some, but it must be the birds since the squirrels seem unable to get the ones I'm missing.

Another garden update: remember in that last blog post where I said that the plants that came up from the compost were eight ball squash? That's how it looked, right? Not anymore. Look at them now:

One more garden note: In the front yard, the raised beds are pretty much abandoned in the summer. We had one potato plant that grew in the spring from a randomly planted red potato. It had an infestation of flat legged leaf cutters last month, and I had kind of written that plant off. Didn't water it, just ignored it. Well, today I thought we'd do a little excavation to see. The plant was completely dead (as of yesterday) and look at what we found! Jackpot!

Two weeks ago we hung two bird feeders in our back yard. My sister has feeders and has said how much she likes it. So, I bought two - a standard tube feeder and a nyger seed feeder. I also started changing the water in the bird bath every day (as well as in a large plant saucer on the ground.) The nyger seed feeder is completely ignored, but the regular feeder? Hoo boy. I have to fill it twice a day. If you open our back door, at least 15 birds take flight. Regular visitors include black capped chickadees, cardinals, blue jays, house finches, sparrows, white winged doves (did you know those doves all over Austin that everyone (well, most) seem to think are mourning doves are actually white winged doves? I've been calling them by the wrong name for seven years.), a pair of long tailed grackles and as of yesterday, some rock doves, usually affectionately known as pigeons. We can see the feeder from the dining room table and it has been so much fun for me and the kids to watch the birds.

And amazingly, the squirrels can't get it. They eat the dropped seeds off the ground.