Saturday, June 19, 2010

Four months and neglected

The last post I did was Owen's three month post. Well, he turned four months old today and I don't even have a (very) recent photo. I haven't taken any photos of Kate recently either, so it's not that he's being neglected compared to here right now. Just compared to her at four months. He's been pretty cranky the past few days. A few nights ago he had a fever (not sure how high, I didn't pull out the thermometer in the middle of the night) and yesterday he developed a rash all over. Ah, roseola. That explains the fever and crankiness. Now that the rash is here, it's over although he's still a bit cranky. I'm hoping he's feeling better (and looking less spotty) tomorrow.

We are heading off to Colorado tomorrow for a week in Telluride. I'm very excited. I'm a mountain person (I think people are either mountain or ocean people. I don't know if which one you are means anything, but I do think you are one or the other.) and it's been a very long time since I've been in the mountains. We are taking my MIL with us, which means a real vacation for me - or at least time off. Graeme has a conference, so he'll be busy in the mornings while we are riding the gondola up and down and up and down and up and down. (Fortunately, it's free.)

As we were getting ready today and pulled the suitcase down from the shelf, I noticed a discolouration on the ceiling that had been out of sight. Oops. The roof is leaking. Graeme went up into the attic and found the spot, put a bucket under it for now (at least we're entering the dry time of year) and while he was up there gave a glance at the AC unit, since we haven't checked it since we started running it about four weeks ago. And there was a giant leak in the duct. We've been cooling our attic for the last month. He got that fixed with some duct tape. (How often do you actually use duct tape on ducts? I think that was only his second time. I don't think I've even had a first time.) So, it was a unexpectedly busy day leading up to our departure early tomorrow morning.

No pictures today, but there will be plenty this week and I will try to post some as we go. This is our first time travelling with both kids, so expect a report on how that goes and wish us luck.

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