Friday, August 22, 2008

Sleep update

The last three nights have been good. Tuesday night, Kate woke up at 1:30 and after 50 minutes went back to sleep without me picking her up or nursing (which would include picking her up. It would be hard to nurse without first picking her up.) Then she woke again at 7:00 when I nursed her. She surprised me by going back to sleep until 10!! The last two nights she has slept until about 6:30-ish when I nurse her and she sleeps til about 8. So, we seem to have dropped the 1:30/2 am wake up, and she is getting really good at going to sleep on her own. I don't mind the early morning wake up, but I'm hoping that one will disappear soon too.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed - hurray for all of you.
Well done tigers.