Saturday, January 13, 2007

The pregnancy so far

We're not very far along into this, but I thought I should do a catch up post to get up to speed. I was going to say 'a short catch up post', but I already know that it's not going to be short. Feel free to skip.

On Monday I was pretty sure something was up, but I didn't want to pee on the stick prematurely. I called my sister and she encouraged me to pee on the stick (she was pretty excited at the possibility of a positive test). I asked her if it might be better to wait a few more days so that the chance of a false negative would be reduced. She pointed out that if I waited a few more days, peeing on a stick wouldn't be necessary. Good point. I peed on the stick, and as you know by now, it was positive. I cried. My first reaction was panic. Oh. My. God. We made the wrong decision. I can't do this. What on earth were we thinking? Shit.

Then I called Graeme. He was completely nonplussed. Not terribly helpful to reduce my freakingoutness. I called my sister back and she was super super excited. That definitely helped, although I still went back and looked at the pee stick about 5 times over the next two hours. And of course, in the meantime I called a bunch of people. Most were excited; a few (Ok, just Marlene) were speechless. It seemed completely unreal. I didn't feel pregnant. Shouldn't I feel something? How can the stick just say I am if I don't feel anything?

The strange detachment/no symptom thing faded quickly. The next day at work, around 4 pm, I was suddenly COMPLETELY exhausted. Couldn't even stand exhausted. Like many days of racing without sleep exhausted. The same thing occurred the next day. And then the next day (Friday, by this point) I was nauseous all morning. I guess I shouldn't have been so keen on feeling pregnant. There will be plenty of that.


Karen said...

Yay! I missed your blog so this is great. Good for Erika for putting the pressure onto an emotionally vulnerable woman :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, indeed to Erika for suggestion a blog, and a double yeah to you Beth for taking it on!!! It will be fun - and will most certainly bridge the physical distances between us all. Love it already.

mel mn said...

Yay, Beth.
I don't know what nonplussed mean - I'll have to look it up.

I'm very happy for you though. I will enjoy reading your journalling throughout your pregnancy and heck, after that as well.


Anonymous said...

haHAH! you'll NEVER be free of blogging while I'm around (C: tee hee hee. Good thing too!

Anonymous said...

Is it a bad thing that my mom's all nicely signed in and I'm still "anaonymous"? Way to go Nel!!!

little b said...

That's because you can sign in with a gmail account. So, what's your excuse? You have a gmail account don't you?