Friday, January 19, 2007

Six weeks

Six weeks. The way the weeks are counted is a bit crazy to me because they add two weeks before ovulation onto the count. So, for the first two weeks of 'being pregnant' you most definitely weren't pregnant. But, whatever. By the official way of counting, today marks 6 weeks. Apparently there is now a heartbeat. Weird.

I'm feeling fat. I don't even know if I've gained weight, since we don't have a scale. But I'm feeling fat, and I know that I've gained some. Some women report feeling of great satisfaction with their changing shape, and feeling very happy with their bodies. Not me, at least not yet. I think it is going to take awhile for me to shake years and years of training habits, where if I notice a change in the size of my ass it means I haven't been running enough. Is it even possible to have a baby without your ass growing? How come they don't answer that question in any of the thousands of books?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nope... your ass is definitely going to grow (if all goes well!) (c: Enjoy it. But honestly, much of that "fat" feeling is water... sorry... probably not much extra fat yet. And (assuming you'll be a breast feeder), whatever fat you do manage to add, you'll feed out to your kid (c; Oh what fun!!!