Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A delayed meme post

Karen tagged me for this meme last week, and I've been delinquent in not answering it. Is there is a statute of limitations on tags? In anticipation of 'what's cooking wednesday', I'll finally do the meme.

1. Can you cook? If yes do you like to cook?
Yes, although I find I often don't have the energy or inspiration. Although I do enjoy it. I especially enjoy preparing big meals for lots of friends.

2. When does your whole family come together to eat?
We eat dinner together most nights. On the couch.

3. What do you have for breakfast?
Cereal with fruit or granola with yogurt and fruit. And tea.

4. When, where and how do you eat through the week?
See 2 - we eat on the couch, usually between 7 and 8 pm after walking the dog.

5. How often do you eat out?
Once a week or once every two weeks.

6.How often do you order in or get take out?
Once a week.

7.Re: 5 &. 6 - if money were no object would like to do it more often?
Probably not. We might just go out for sushi more often.

8.Are there any standards that make a regular appearance at your table?
There are the fall back meals - periogies, sour cream pasta, cereal (I don't think that counts as cooking though). And our favourites - fajitas, grilled anything, spaghetti. Our meals are very seasonal, since I don't want to turn on the oven or stove in the hot months.

9.Have you ever tried a recipe from another blog?
Nope, not yet, although I probably will later this week.

10.Are there any quarrels because of food?
We 'quarrelled' about how to divide the leg of lamb the other night.

11.Are you a vegetarian or could you imagine living as a vegetarian?
I was a vegetarian for a few years in university, but now I'm an enthusiastic meat eater. I would certianly be happy eating meat only once or twice a week, but Graeme is a total carnivore and would likely mutiny if I were to try.

12.What would you like to try out that you haven't dared yet?
Nothing is coming to mind. I'm a pretty adventerous eater.

13.Would you rather cook or bake?
Bake, unless it's cooking for a big meal. I love making Thanksgiving dinner, for instance.

14.What was the most terrible mess you've ever made in the kitchen?
Nothing specific comes to mind, although when I do a big meal, every pot and surface tends to end up dirty and covered. I do my best to keep up with dishes as I cook, so it usually stays under control.

15.What do your kids like to eat best? What would your kids never eat?
Not yet applicable.

16.What do you dislike most?
Mushrooms. Ham. Yellow mustard. Caraway seeds.


fatwonkkid said...

My friend's wife was a vegetarian for a number of years. After she got pregnant, the doctor told her she has to start eating meat for the baby. My friend volunteered to go vegetarian to counter her meat eating, but she told him not to bother.

I asked her what meat she would miss the most when she goes back to being a vegetarian: bacon!

Sounds about right to me.

Anonymous said...

I found this recipe you might want to try.


little b said...

David, I thought you might have found a recipe combining all of my disliked foods! But, actually, fresh ham sounds ok. I should have said that my dislike was for those typical salty, slimy hams.