We had my first appointment today. They did a physical (lungs, heart, blood pressure), took blood and urine samples, did a breast exam, pelvic exam and a pap smear. Phew. We also asked a bunch of questions about screening and the timing of various tests. It all went very well (except for the pressing on the full bladder. Not that that went badly, or not as badly as it could have, I expect. It was just very uncomfortable.) We were with Heather today - there are five midwives at the centre, and we'll see a different one each visit so that we know them all. She answered all our questions and was super great.
We got to hear the heartbeat. She said it might be hard to hear, since it often is at 10 weeks - the fetus can be hiding out of range of the doppler. But she managed to find it, much to her surprise (she said that she has to usually press down and in under the pelvic bone to find it, but that my stomach muscles are too tight to do that. But she did find it, and it was going at about 155 beats/minute. It was soooo cool. I cried a bit, actually, which is no surprise.
The only surprising thing was that she said my uterus is measuring large for my EDD (expected due date). She asked if I was sure about the date, which I guess I am. And she asked if there was any history of twins in my family. I said no, but found out later after talking to Karen that our grandmother was a twin. Yikes. I'm hoping that I'm just totally off and that what I thought was a period was implantation bleeding, and that I'm four weeks further along than expected. That is the most likely explanation, since twins are very rare (apart from fertility related twins). I always wondered how women don't know that they are pregnant, often for a few months. Maybe I'm one of those women!
We are getting an ultrasound next week to confirm the fetal age, and then we'll know what's going on. I'm hoping that there is only one fetus. If there are two, I guess we won't have to have the conversation about whether or not to have more than one.